
Investment Philosophy

The primary aim of MMBL-Pathfinder is to acquire and/or build companies that have excellent potential for equity appreciation. We invest in a wide range of business sectors, including

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Creating Long-Term Value for Businesses

We evaluate potential acquisitions and new business opportunities by analyzing the financial performance and prospects of the company/new venture and the capability of its management, the attractiveness of its industry, and its competitive position within that industry.

We typically make investments and acquisitions wherever we identify a clear opportunity to enhance the value of the business. Working closely with management, our professionals carry out extensive, detailed evaluations of potential acquisitions/new ventures to identify areas where a company’s growth and profit could be enhanced. Growth opportunities include developing new strategies, acquiring related companies, or launching new products/services. Profit improvement opportunities involve increasing operating efficiencies, exploiting alternative channels of distribution or re-engineering business processes.

Our approach is to develop relationships with exceptional strategic partners, global brands and/or management teams to improve the long-term value of a business. The careful selection of strategic partners and the incentive-based compensation of management has been a critical ingredient of the firm’s investment success.

Our professional staff is one of the most experienced in the private investment industry. The group has the depth and capability to support management teams directly in the areas of strategy development, market research, finance, management recruiting, project development and portfolio management.

Responsible corporate citizenship is a central tenet in our philosophy. To this end we and our affiliates are working with a network of local and international non-profit organizations on a range of socio-economic and cultural initiatives to contribute towards the betterment of Sri Lankan society.

Target Investments

Our target investments are companies and new ventures operating in niche markets. Preference is given to strategic alliances with strong international brands and/or franchises and to projects with a clear niche focus or a high level of value addition. In general we participate as a lead investor in acquisitions or private equity placements. The investments typically include the following:

Traditional Management Buyouts

Subsidiaries and divisions sold or spun out by corporate parents in an effort to change strategic focus or strengthen corporations.

Industry Consolidation

Strategic opportunities driven by changes in regulation, cost structure, or global competition that require new business combinations.

Growth Companies

Capital infusion to enhance the ability of growth companies to gain market share more quickly, develop new products, or improve competitive position.

Special Situations

Investment opportunities in which our shareholders, professionals, portfolio company managers, or our affiliates and/or strategic partners have specific industry background, personal contacts, and unique analytical capabilities.

Joint Ventures

Investments with corporate or strategic partners, whereby the combined skills and resources of MMBL-Pathfinder and the partner lead to a superior investment opportunity for all parties.

Global Brands/Franchises

Representing or working with globally recognized brands and franchises.

Sale of Private Companies

Cases in which owners of private companies seek to sell their business entirely or partially to a private investor. Sometimes these transactions include “management buy-ins”, whereby existing, non-shareholder managers are given the opportunity to participate in the equity ownership of their company and benefit from the value created under a new ownership group.